1. 特别提示Helpful tips
1.1艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型系统使用人(以下称"用户")应当同意本协议的全部条款并按照网页上的规定方式获取合法的认证用户名和认证密码。用户在使用此软件过程中点击本页下的"我同意"按钮即表示用户完全接受本协议项下的全部条款。The Environmental Gasket Company LTD STILL™ user(Call “user”as follow) should agree to all articles of this agreement, to login your legal user name and password need base on prescribe on website. Once you click “I agree” means you have agreed all articles of agreement.
1.2用户获得合法的登陆帐户和认证密码后,该用户帐号和密码由用户负责保管;用户应当对以其用户帐号进行的所有活动和事件负法律责任。User will look after user account and password after register. Also will take on all legal duty of this account .

2. 服务内容Service content
2.1可能通过输入相应初始条件,输出碟簧载荷区间、扭力数据、回复曲线等相应的技术参数。Just input relevant basic data, will output
2.2该碟簧选型网上系统对于合法获得帐户和密码的用户来说是完全免费的。STILL™ is no charge for users with legal account and password.
2.3用户理解,艾志环保管接股份有限公司仅提供此网上碟簧选型系统,除此之外与相关网络服务有关的设备(如个人电脑、手机、及其他与接入互联网或移动网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费、为使用移动网而支付的手机费)均应由用户自行负担。All users understand, Environmental Gasket Company LTD only afford this system online, any other equipment for connect to internet (e.i. personal computer, cell phone, and any other facility relevant to internet or mobile web) together with all expense (e.i. the bill of telephone, cell phone or network bandwidth for access internet) will afford by user self.

3. 服务变更、中断或终止Alteration, intermit or cease of service
3.1鉴于网络服务的特殊性,用户同意艾志环保管接股份有限公司有权随时变更、中断或终止部分或全部的艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统。艾志环保管接股份有限公司无需通知用户,也无需对任何用户或任何第三方承担任何责任。Herein the particularity of network, all users agree to Environmental Gasket Company LTD alterate, intermit or cease STILL™ at anytime. Environmental Gasket Company LTD does not need notice users, also does not need take duty for any users or any third party.
3.2用户理解,艾志环保管接股份有限公司需要定期或不定期地对提供网络服务的平台(如互联网网站、移动网络等)或相关的设备进行检修或者维护,如因此类情况而造成艾志环保管接股份有限公司网上碟簧选型系统在合理时间内的中断,艾志环保管接股份有限公司无需为此承担任何责任。User understands, Environmental Gasket Company LTD need maintain this network service (e.i, international website, mobile network etc.) in regular or aperiodically, or examine and repair relevant equipment. If user cannot access STILL™ when we doing such work, Environmental Gasket Company LTD does not responsible for it.
3.3如发生下列任何一种情形,艾志环保管接股份有限公司有权随时中断或终止向用户提供碟簧选型网上系统使用权,而无需对用户或任何第三方承担任何责任:If any cases happened as following, Environmental Gasket Company LTD is entitled to intermit or cease STILL™ to user at anytime, and does not take any duty for users or any third party.
3.3.1 用户提供的个人资料不真实;The personal information is untrue what was provided by user.
3.3.2 用户违反本协议中规定的使用规则;User disobey use rules on this agreement.

4. 使用规则Regulations
4.1用户在申请使用艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统时,必须向艾志环保管接股份有限公司提供准确的公司资料,如公司资料有任何变动,必须及时更新。User must submit true company information when apply use Environmental Gasket Company LTD STILL™. Please update it if company information was changed.
4.2用户不应将其帐号、密码转让或出借予他人使用。如用户发现其帐号遭他人非法使用,应立即通知艾志环保管接股份有限公司。因黑客行为或用户的保管疏忽导致帐号、密码遭他人非法使用,艾志环保管接股份有限公司不承担任何责任。User is not allowed attorn or lend account or password to others. Please inform Environmental Gasket Company LTD if your account was stolen by others. Environmental Gasket Company LTD will not responsible for user’s fault or careless when?others use the account illegal.
4.3用户在使用艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统时,必须遵循以下原则:Please follow bellowing principle when user using STILL™:
4.3.1 遵守中国有关的法律和法规;Obey to national relevant laws and statute.
4.3.2 遵守所有与网络服务有关的网络协议、规定和程序;Obey to all network agreement, rules and process relevant to internet service.
4.3.3 不得为任何非法目的而使用艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统;Any illegal use is forbidden.
4.3.4 不得利用艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统进行任何可能对互联网或移动网正常运转造成不利影响的行为;Any possibility will hurt or effect internet or mobile network utilized on this system is forbidden.
4.3.5 不得利用艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统进行任何不利于艾志环保管接股份有限公司的行为;Any possibility to go against Environmental Gasket Company LTD utilize on STILL™ is forbidden.
4.3.6 如发现任何非法使用用户帐号或帐号出现安全漏洞的情况,应立即通告艾志环保管接股份有限公司。Please inform Environmental Gasket Company LTD immediately if found any illegal or any account security leak.
4.3.7不得利用艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统进行其它公司碟簧选型的参考;Any user cannot use STILL™ to select Disc spring for other companies.
4.4如用户在使用艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统时违反任何上述规定,艾志环保管接股份有限公司或其授权的人有权要求用户改正或直接采取一切必要的措施(包括但不限于更改或删除用户张贴的内容等、暂停或终止用户使用网络服务的权利)以减轻用户不当行为造成的影响。AIG Industrial Group of Companies or its named has authority to require user correct or do any necessary measure(includes, but more than modify or delete what user wrote, pause or cease user use this service) to reduce the influence if user disobey agreement when they using STILL™.
4.5艾志环保管接股份有限公司针对某些特定的使用通过各种方式(包括但不限于网页公告、电子邮件、短信提醒等)作出的任何声明、通知、警示等内容视为本协议的一部分,用户如使用艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统,视为用户同意该等声明、通知、警示的内容。AIG Industrial Group of Companies will through any methods (includes but more than website affiche, email, message etc) for some particular usage to state, notice and warn, and they are all a part of this agreement, once users use STILL™, it means they agree with these stat, notice and warn.

5. 知识产权knowledge proprietary
5.1艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统中包含的任何文本、图片、图形、音频和/或视频资料均受版权、商标和/或其它财产所有权法律的保护,未经相关权利人同意,上述资料均不得在任何媒体直接或间接发布、播放、出于播放或发布目的而改写或再发行,或者被用于其他任何商业目的。All the document, pictures, audios, vides of STILL™ be protected by the law of Copyright, Brand and Possession, without the permission of obligee, All the information of STILL™ shouldn’t issue or play in any media directly or indirectly, or any commercial purpose.
5.2艾志环保管接股份有限公司碟簧选型网上系统的一切权利均属于艾志环保管接股份有限公司,未经艾志环保管接股份有限公司许可,用户不得对该系统进行下载、破译、反向工程、反向编译或反汇编。All rights of STILL™ belongs to Environmental Gasket Company LTD, nobody is allow to download, ?, reverse engineer, decompile and edit or disassemble.

6. 隐私保护Privacy Protection
6.1保护用户隐私是艾志环保管接股份有限公司的一项基本政策,艾志环保管接股份有限公司保证不对外公开或向第三方提供用户的注册资料及用户在使用网络服务时存储在艾志环保管接股份有限公司的非公开内容,但下列情况除外:The Protection of user′s privacy is the basic police of Environmental Gasket Company LTD, Environmental Gasket Company LTD guarantee against to publish or offer user′s?login information to third part.
6.1.1 事先获得用户的明确授权;Obtain the clear authorization of user in advance
6.1.2 根据有关的法律法规要求;By the requests of relational law.
6.1.3 按照相关政府主管部门的要求;According to the requests of government’s department concerned
6.1.4 为维护社会公众的利益;To prevent the public benefit.
6.1.5 为维护艾志环保管接股份有限公司的合法权益。To vindicate Environmental Gasket Company LTD’s legal right.
6.2在不透露用户隐私资料的前提下,艾志环保管接股份有限公司有权对整个用户数据库进行分析并对用户数据库进行商业上的利用。Going on the premise of Privacy Protection, Environmental Gasket Company LTD have the droits to analyzing user’s data-base, and use?user’s data-base on business.

7. 免责声明Disclaimer
7.1艾志环保管接股份有限公司不担保网络服务一定能满足用户的要求,也不担保网络服务不会中断,对网络服务的及时性、安全性、准确性也都不作担保。AIG Industrial Group of Companies makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy, safety, betimes of internet service, to meet all requirements of users as well.
7.2 对于因不可抗力或艾志环保管接股份有限公司不能控制的原因造成的网络服务中断或其它缺陷,艾志环保管接股份有限公司不承担任何责任,但将尽力减少因此而给用户造成的损失和影响。AIG Industrial Group of Companies is disclaimer to this situation, for instance, errors of internet due to force majeure or other reasons but they are out of Environmental Gasket Company LTD’s control

8. 违约赔偿Pay for 8.1 如因艾志环保管接股份有限公司违反有关法律、法规或本协议项下的任何条款而给用户造成损失,艾志环保管接股份有限公司同意承担由此造成的损害赔偿责任。If Environmental Gasket Company LTD broke law, rules or this agreement and make users damnify, Environmental Gasket Company LTD will take this responsibility to compensate.
8.2 用户同意保障和维护艾志环保管接股份有限公司及其他用户的利益,如因用户违反有关法律、法规或本协议项下的任何条款而给艾志环保管接股份有限公司或任何其他第三人造成损失,用户同意承担由此造成的损害赔偿责任。User agrees to maintain and support the benefit of Environmental Gasket Company LTD and other users. If any user broke law, rules and this agreement, this use has to take the responsibility to compensate.

9. 协议修改Agreement modification 9.1艾志环保管接股份有限公司有权随时修改本协议的任何条款,一旦本协议的内容发生变动,艾志环保管接股份有限公司将会通过适当方式向用户提示修改内容。AIG Industrial Group of Companies can modify all items in this agreement, Environmental Gasket Company LTD will up to dated to users about any modifications of this agreement.
9.2 如果不同意艾志环保管接股份有限公司对本协议相关条款所做的修改,用户有权停止使用碟簧选型网上系统。如果用户继续使用碟簧选型网上系统,则视为用户接受艾志环保管接股份有限公司对本协议相关条款所做的修改。Any user can stop use STILL™ if disagree the modification by Environmental Gasket Company LTD. If user still use this system, Environmental Gasket Company LTD will believe that the user agree all modification by Environmental Gasket Company LTD.

10. 通知送达Notice service 10.1本协议项下艾志环保管接股份有限公司对于用户所有的通知均可通过网页公告、电子邮件、手机短信或常规的信件传送等方式进行;该等通知于发送之日视为已送达收件人。All notices and information under the items of this agreement will inform to users by website, email, massage and normal mail by Environmental Gasket Company LTD, and it is effective on notice day. 10.2用户对于艾志环保管接股份有限公司的通知应当通过艾志环保管接股份有限公司对外正式公布的通信地址、传真号码、电子邮件地址等联系信息进行送达。User should contact to Environmental Gasket Company LTD through Environmental Gasket Company LTD official address, fax number, email address etc.
11. 法律管辖Governing law
11.1本协议的订立、执行和解释及争议的解决均应适用中国法律并受中国法院管辖。The conclude, execute, explain and disputed solution of this agreement shall be governed by the Court of The People’s Republic of China, and cater for the laws of The People’s Republic of China .
11.2如双方就本协议内容或其执行发生任何争议,双方应尽量友好协商解决;协商不成时,任何一方均可向艾志环保管接股份有限公司所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。The parties will attempt to resolve any claim, or dispute or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement, through face to face negotiation with persons fully authorized to resolve the Dispute or through mediation utilizing a mutually agreeable mediator, rather than through litigation. If the parties are unable to resolve the Dispute through negotiation or mediation within a reasonable time after written notice from one party to the other that a Dispute exists, the Dispute will be settled by binding arbitration. The arbitration hearing shall take place in the register place of Environmental Gasket Company LTD, and will be governed by the Arbitration Act of P. R. China.